Personal tracking

Solutions that allow personal tracking. These are specially adapted devices and software applications that are suitable for personal tracking.

Personal tracking is an important element of security

Some of the possibilities of applying the solution can be with:

  • monitoring the safety of persons in many scenarios,
  • monitoring the elderly and infirm,
  • monitoring of workers on dangerous jobs (man down),
  • animal tracking (pets, hunting dogs, etc.),
  • monitoring of persons / visitors in facilities under strict security regime.

The main characteristics of the person tracking system are:

  • real-time location,
  • location on request,
  • location indoors,
  • location without GPS signal,
  • alarm / hazard alert,
  • man down – detecting a person’s fall,
  • identification of persons,
  • SOS alert button,
  • voice message, etc.

The hardware and software solution can be customized according to the specific requirements of each usage scenario.

Tracking people in their application covers a wide range of activities, and see some of them below.

Personal tracking is not necessarily a system that monitors a person’s location. It is a system that in a narrower or broader sense significantly improves the security of the social community in general!

Below you can see selected scenarios for using the person tracking system.

Quick alert

brza dojava opasnosti |personal tracking

A quick alert of danger by pressing a button can significantly speed up the reaction time. An alert can also be generated from sensor data (no movement or man down). The SOS assistance signal is sent in all available channels.

Tracking the elderly and infirm

praćenje starijih i nemoćnih |personal tracking

Older and infirm people belong to the most vulnerable group in society. Real-time location allows for constant monitoring and tracking, while advanced alarms and sensors report possible falls or injuries (man down alarm).

SOS rapid alert for violence

dojava nasilja | personal tracking

Violence is something that happens regularly in the society in which we live. Monitoring of persons enables a quick report of violence, at the touch of a button, and a quick reaction of relevant services or close persons. The SOS alarm is sent to all available channels.

Security of office workers

praćenje uredskih radnika |personal tracking

Increase security in office facilities so that each employee can quickly report any disruption (multiple scenarios possible) and ensure a response from competent staff. Report a fall or injury.

Utility staff

praćenje komunalnog osoblja |personal tracking

Monitoring people can increase the safety of utility workers, but also improve business processes by better monitoring the efficiency of work, and to more accurately and promptly resolve possible complaints of citizens.

Security services

praćenje za službe sigurnosti | personal tracking

A quick SOS call can be of great benefit to security services to increase the security of the protected person or facility. It is also possible to receive an alarm in cases of robbery or disabling of security guards.

Safety of field workers

sigurnost radnika na terenu | personal tracking

Improving the safety of field workers is essential for every employer. Tracking of persons provides SOS alarm, alarm if there is no movement and man down alarm in case of accident, ie fall of the field worker.

Driver safety

sigurnost vozača | personal tracking

Professional drivers usually work on their own and their safety can be significantly improved using a person tracking system. There is an alarm that is triggered if there is no movement and an SOS button to report danger.

Social distance

praćenje socijalne distance | personal tracking

At the time of a pandemic, follow-up can be reported if the social distance has been violated. In case of infection, all contacts can be isolated faster, more accurately and more easily. The system also works indoors.

Contact us to suggest the best solution for personal tracking!

Home care

praćenje njege u kući | personal tracking

Patients in home care can be better monitored in terms of location and pre-defined alerts. Information to the center travels quickly and efficiently. In this way, it is possible to significantly reduce costs because tours will be reduced.


radnici u skladištu | personal tracking

With the help of a worker’s badge, the movement of people in warehouses is monitored, and in the event of an accident, an alarm is sent to the center. The solution proved to be very useful in application because it resulted in a quick reaction in case of accidents.

Police, firefighters

praćenje za policiju i vatrogasce

Services that encounter dangerous scenarios in their day-to-day tasks can benefit significantly from a person tracking system. Danger can be reported in a timely manner which can result in a quick response and rescue.

Security of bank employees

praćenje službenika u bankama

The problem of violence and aggression in the workplace has become commonplace. With the help of new technologies, it is possible to ensure the rapid flow of information and in many cases to act preventively. If necessary, the worker can discreetly ask for help.

Social workers

sigurnost socijalnih radnika

The job of social workers is challenging. Our solution is one of the vital safeguards for this profession. In case of any doubt, pre-defined information can be sent, while in critical cases an alarm will be activated.

Tracking movement in the warehouse

praćenje skladišta

The efficiency of storage processes can be significantly improved if they are mapped and controlled. Our solution monitors all deviations from the defined process and reports disturbances in the process.

Hospital staff management

upravljanje osobljem bolnice

If all hospital employees are networked with each other through a call center, and if patients are in the same network, the efficiency of the health care system can be significantly improved. Also, it is possible to quickly identify any disorders.

Employees in the mines

sigurnost u rudnicima

It is one of the most dangerous occupations in general. A person tracking system can be applied in such a way that workers only report danger, that the location of workers underground is recorded and that all critical events are alerted.

Construction workers

sigurnost građevinskih radnika

Construction occupations can be dangerous, especially because they work at heights and in difficult weather conditions. An automatic notification of a fall, immobility or an urgent SOS can save someone’s life.

Persons in quarantine

osobe u karanteni

A solution that monitors people who are in self-isolation is beneficial in a broader social context because it significantly reduces the possibility of violating self-isolation, and thus the inability to transmit the infection.

House arrest

izolacija ili kućni pritvor

The prison system can benefit by sending minor offenders to house arrest with control. The system completely controls the person under house arrest, and any disabling generates an alarm.

Persons on parole

uvjetna sloboda

This solution also optimizes the costs of the prison system, but also improves the security of the general community. Persons on parole are monitored and can be stopped more quickly in case of suspicious movements.

Get started today and take advantage of the capabilities of the personal tracking!