Company Information

Company Information

Company name: ALFA LOGISTIKA d.o.o.

Headquarters: Andrije Hebranga 16, 47 000 Karlovac, Croatia

VAT ID: 02706843298

EUID: HRSR.080847940

The company is entered in the register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb – permanent service in Karlovac, under the number MBS: 080847940.

Persons authorized to represent:
Robert Kostelic
– Director
– represents the company individually and independently

The share capital of the company amounts to 2,654.46 € and has been paid in full.

Giro accounts:



The company’s business accounts have been opened with Zagrebačka banka d.d .. Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10 10000 Zagreb Croatia OIB: 92963223473. Registration number: 3234495. VBDI: 2360000.